Fu White (Yaatani Bonn 's Easy Baum)

小 1,717円(税込) / 個包装5個入り 1,036円(税込) / 個包装10個入り 1,836円(税込)
Okinawa Brown sugar is refined many times over and it is carefully charged Kanwa Sanbon sugar and carefully selected materials, baked to a soft and sweetness fabric. In addition, it is a superb Baumkuchen full of tenderness, plus a fragrant and sharp texture by fondanting and coating the rum wine · yerum made from only the squeezed juice from Ie Island.
Fuku Brown (Okinawa black sugar commitment Baum)

小 1,717円(税込) / 個包装5個入り 1,036円(税込) / 個包装10個入り 1,836円(税込)
Special selection · Baked sugar from Tamara Island and carefully selected materials were thoroughly charged, carefully and carefully baked layers and baked carefully so that you can make the most of deep richness and rich flavor of original sugar. It is a luxury Baumkuchen of sticking that the mellow flavor of brown sugar matched with plump and dough fabric. I have named "Fuku" with my wishes so that Fukui will visit just like everything you've eaten.
Saki Roll [Advance confirmation required]

カット 350円
最近、大人気の大家特製ロールケーキ。 丁寧に焼き上げふわふわした食感がたまりません。 ビターな苦味と甘みが絶妙な沖縄黒糖のロールケーキ。 グリーンの色味が爽やかな特選抹茶のロールケーキ。 お好みのお味をお選びください。